RAVAS Indicator Touch mérleg kijelző

Az érintőképernyős kijelző programozható felhasználói felülettel rendelkezik, amely optimális és felhasználóbarát.

The touch screen indicator has a programmable user interface for optimal user friendliness. The user interface leads the user through the active application in a clear and unambiguous way. Different applications can be activated via the touch screen. On the screen the user will only see those function keys which are relevant to the active application. The indicator has a USB port for data transfer, e.g. for off-line data storage on a USB stick. It can also transmit data to an ERP or WMS system, via Bluetooth or WiFi.

The touch screen indicator may be used in combination with:

Warehouse truck scales: RPW EL, RPW ST

Forklift scales: RWV-C, RVL

The touch screen indicator is standard issue on the Proline Touch pallet truck scale and the iForks Touch forklift scale.


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